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Working to build something that will last

Starting a business means getting started, starting something, especially an activity that involves a considerable effort, and also some difficulties, taking risks, etc. It also involves imagination, creating, planning, deciding, being excited, making mistakes, falling  and getting up again.


It is a process where creativity and innovation are needed; planification, communication...​







One of the most important success factors in entrepreneurship is innovation, that is to start new actions based on previous knowledge. This, obviously, implies creativity and desire to change and improve things. In business it's talk of product innovation when new or improved products are introduced.


Innovative business ideas are those that bring new points of view, new ways of doing. It's to think very hard to see how we can improve a product or project.


There are thousands of ways. Here you will see 5 examples. Each one corresponding to a case of entrepreneurship / innovation based on a different key concept. In each case, the entrepreneurial attitude has arisen in response to a different need or opportunity

In this task, each group will only choose 1 example to work on. You will have to identify its key concepts. After reading and talking as a group, you will comment your case with the other groups. and come up with your own conclusions.

In this task, each group will only choose 1 example to work on. You will have to identify its key concepts. After reading and talking as a group, you will comment your case with the other groups. and come up with your own conclusions.

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