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Your dream is nearer than you expect

What will our project be about?

The project consists of identifying a problem, finding a solution (a product or a service), designing your business model, prototyping your product and finding financial support. You will have to convince potential investors for raising capital in your project.


You will have to observe, brainstorm, evaluate and finally choose the idea that best suits the interests or worries of your group members. Further on, you will have to do a market study and create a prototype.


The fundamental objective is to present your idea to convince potential investors raising capital in your project, which means you will also be asked to create an oral presentation, you will have to defend your idea in front of your investors in only 20 seconds!!!

Get on board! Good luck with your project!!

Planning the process


Throughout the project you will have to record the progress made by your team at the end of every task.  Use the planning table to do so.

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