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Survival Guide

First step

If we want the first contact that a young visitor has with the Metro be a success, we will have to give him a hand.

They will also need to know some expressions in English, to be able to ask people for an address, a stop, a line, etc. They will also have to know how to understand the icons that will be found throughout the entire Metro network. 


That is why you should create a survival guide for all those young visitors. To create it, you need to know the things that will be part of it, therefore, first of all, carry out in your dossier the activities that you can find in this document.


Remember that when working, to be more efficient, you will need to organize the tasks in a collaborative way.

Come on!

Now that you have some information, it is time to do the survival guide. You will have to create a new page in your Google site with the name “Survival Guide” where you will incorporate:

  • The written sentences that you translated on the ”Let’s Take the Tube” page.

  • The audio of the words and expressions in English (using your phone at home, or the laptop in the classroom). You should insert them next to their sentence (use this programme and use the link it generates when you upload your file).

  • The images of the icons you selected  indicating their meaning.

  • The recording of your“situational dialogue”. You will only have to record your voice.


To know if your guide is a good guide, you should use the checklist.                                

Once verified, if you see there are things you have not done well or have not incorporated, make the corrections you need. 

Remember to have a look at the survival guide assessment rubric to review your work.

Captura de Pantalla 2019-01-03 a les 15.
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